JAS Is Your Range Of Motion Recovery Specialist
Joint Active Systems devices will help you restore joint range of motion (ROM) quickly, easily, and painlessly – in the comfort of your own home.
JAS Gives You Total ROM Therapy Options
Joint Active Systems offers the most treatment options for ROM recovery. From shoulder to toe, JAS has the proper solution for you. We provide five unique product lines dedicated to ROM recovery – including both Static Progressive Stretch (SPS) and Dynamic Splint (DS) options – that enable the effective delivery of low load prolonged stretch. Our patented devices safely restore joint motion using the very stretch techniques therapists use when providing hands-on therapy in the clinic.
Both SPS and DS are proven to be effective in restoring joint motion when added to a structured rehabilitation program. Your doctor or therapist will guide you toward the ideal home stretching method for you – SPS or DS – based on your diagnosis, and the therapy approach that best suits your lifestyle. Whatever your ROM recovery needs, JAS has you covered.
Superior Product Design
The patented product design features – available only from JAS – offer comfort, ease of use, patient controlled therapy, and short treatment time – assuring you the most efficient and successful ROM therapy results. For example, our motion arm design eliminates painful joint compression that is unavoidable with all other brands of stretch devices. And JAS SPS devices work in both directions of motion, cutting costs in half compared to most other brands of stretch device.
Proven Results
Successful JAS ROM therapy results – including shorter rehab time, and avoiding the need for surgery or manipulation for severe stiffness – are proven in over 30 peer-reviewed, published studies. JAS prides itself on 26 years and over 350,000 successful patient outcomes. See what other patients have to say about JAS, and explore our Research and Resources section.
JAS is Here to Serve You
As your ROM Recovery Specialist, JAS offers unmatched service with quick turnaround time to get you moving and back to life. Our JAS customer service team works efficiently to process orders through your insurance, and our team of 280 trained field representatives provide comprehensive service including JAS device delivery, fitting, patient education and ongoing follow-up during your entire course of JAS care.
To learn more about the benefits of JAS Range of Motion therapy, explore this web site, and talk to your doctor or therapist.
What is ROM Loss?

Joint Stiffness and ROM Loss
How Joint Stiffness Develops
Joint stiffness commonly develops as a result of injury and prolonged periods of immobilization. When your ability to move a joint is temporarily restricted following injury, surgery, or illness, the soft tissues surrounding the joint (e.g ligaments, tendons, joint capsule, skin) may undergo physiologic changes – by shortening and losing their normal elasticity. The result is joint stiffness and limited range of motion, also known as ROM loss.
Unfortunately, ROM loss often remains after the original injury or surgery has healed. This is unhealthy for joint tissues, and greatly restricts your ability to carry out normal functions with the involved limb. Therapy is often needed to re-stretch the surrounding tissues and restore normal mobility.
The Joint Active Systems portfolio of ROM therapy products provide safe, effective home-based stretch therapy to assist in restoring joint motion
How JAS ROM Therapy Can Help

If you have limited range of motion (ROM) in your joint following injury, surgery, or illness, and you’re not making improvement with therapy visits and home stretching exercises, JAS can help you get back on track to full ROM Recovery.
Used daily as part of your home exercise program, JAS devices provide you the necessary dosage of gentle, therapeutic stretch to make steady gains in joint motion. Adding JAS to your therapy program will speed your rehab progress, and has been clinically proven to prevent the need for surgery or manipulation under anesthesia for severe stiffness.
JAS Has the Right ROM Therapy Option to Meet Your Needs
Both Static Progressive Stretch (SPS) and Dynamic Splinting (DS) are time-honored and proven treatment techniques, used to permanently stretch shortened tissues and restore joint mobility. Both work by applying low intensity, long duration stretch, however each does so with differing forces and treatment protocols.
JAS lets you select the best ROM therapy option for you – SPS or DS – based on your symptoms, diagnosis, and therapy approach that fits your lifestyle. With five complete product lines to choose from: JAS SPS (Adult and Pediatric), JAS EZ Turnbuckle, international market JAS GL, JAS Dynamic and Advance Dynamic, JAS has you covered.
What Is Static Progressive Stretch?
JAS Static Progressive Splint (SPS) devices safely restore joint motion using stress relaxation and low-load stretch; the very techniques therapists use when providing hands on therapy in the clinic. By turning the SPS therapy knob, the joint is brought to a pain-free stretched position and held there for several minutes, to allow for the surrounding tissues to relax and lengthen. Once this occurs the joint is stretched and held again, and more lengthening is achieved. This process is repeated several times to complete a SPS treatment session.
Static Progressive Splinting Requires Less Wear Time.
Shorter treatment time means more time for active living! Over 30 published peer reviewed studies support a JAS SPS device wearing protocol of three 30-minute sessions per day for optimal results. JAS therapy will not interfere with your normal daily activities, or keep you awake at night. JAS devices are lightweight and portable, so JAS sessions can be done where and when is convenient for you; at home, work, even during travel.
Static Progressive Splinting Gives Patients Control
JAS devices give you total control in carrying out your ROM therapy. You control the degree of stretch at all times with an infinitely adjustable turning knob. Pain, risk of tissue injury, and muscle guarding are virtually eliminated as a result.
Explore JAS SPS, JAS EZ and JAS GL products.
What is Dynamic Splint Therapy?
Dynamic Splinting (DS) uses spring tension to apply a constant, low-load, prolonged duration stretch (LLPS) to stiff tissues, to safely restore motion. The spring tension is set at a low, tolerable level and the device is then worn for several continuous hours. As tissues lengthen in response to the applied stress, the spring of the DS continuously adjusts to seek the patients new end ROM throughout the treatment session.
Dynamic Splinting Requires Longer Wear Time:
Suggested wearing protocols for Dynamic splints, such as the JAS Dynamic and Advance Dynamic product lines, range from 3-12 hours of continuous use per day. This wearing schedule has been recommended to achieve optimal and permanent gains in ROM, and is supported by multiple scientific and clinical studies for over 30 years.
Set It and Forget It with Dynamic Splint Therapy
There are no frequent adjustments required during DS therapy sessions. The tension is set once before donning, and the device spring adjusts as your tissues stretch. For patients who have difficulty with hand control, or prefer a hands-off treatment style, DS is ideal. And DS gives the option of overnight treatment, leaving waking hours free for normal day to day activities.
Explore JAS Dynamic and Advance Dynamic products.
More Reasons to Choose JAS

In addition to offering total ROM therapy options, JAS delivers on unmatched product design, customer service, and history of proven results – to assure you maximal ROM recovery, quickly, easily and painlessly. See why JAS is the true ROM Recovery Specialist:
Superior Product Design
Patented design technology allows JAS systems to deliver pain-free, efficient, and cost-effective ROM therapy through a greater arc of motion than any other brand of stretch device:
Easy on Your Joints
Only JAS offers signature Motion Tower™ and Motion Arc™ technology to safely Unload the Joint™, which avoids painful joint cartilage compression and directs ALL of the stretch force to the soft tissues.
Custom Fit for You
JAS cuffs are individually sized per your unique measurements so your device fits you accurately – and with no added cost, or delay in turn-around time.
Two Direction Therapy
JAS SPS, JAS EZ, JAS GL and even some JAS Dynamic devices are bidirectional, allowing ROM therapy in two directions of joint motion with one device. Most competitive splint brands work in one direction only – doubling device costs and prolonging rehab.
Patient-controlled Stretch
With JAS, you control the degree of stretch at all times with an infinitely adjustable turning knob. This means every treatment session provides pain-free and accurate stretch for your level of stiffness.
Shorter Treatment Time
JAS SPS therapy requires only three 30-minute sessions per day for steady and permanent gains in ROM. Time is precious for everyone, and JAS SPS frees yours up for important activities of daily living.
Recognized Superior Service
As an accredited DME provider with exemplary status, JAS offers unmatched service with quick turnaround time to get you moving and back to life. Our customer service team processes your JAS order for insurance authorization, and a dedicated JAS representative provides hands – on care, including JAS device delivery, fitting, education and ongoing follow-up whenever you need it. JAS also offers full time (8AM – 5 PM CST) telephonic technical support for all customers.
Evidenced Based Results
Successful JAS ROM therapy results – including replacing the need for costly surgery or manipulation – are proven in over 30 peer-reviewed, published studies. Explore our Research and Resources section.
Frequently Asked Questions

Explore the information below and see if you should ask your doctor about the benefits of JAS therapy.
Who Should use a JAS Device?
If you have stiffness and limited motion in your joint following injury, surgery, or illness, and you are not making satisfactory range of motion (ROM) improvement with therapy visits and / or home exercises, your doctor or therapist may prescribe a JAS device as part of your home therapy program.
How Will a JAS Device Help me?
Used daily as part of your home exercise program, JAS device therapy provides you the necessary dosage of gentle, therapeutic stretch to lengthen shortened joint tissues and make steady gains in joint motion. Adding JAS to your therapy program will speed your rehab progress, and has been clinically proven to prevent the need for manipulation or corrective surgery.
When is the Best Time to Begin JAS therapy?
The safe and ideal time to initiate JAS ROM therapy is:
Once your doctor has cleared you to begin passive stretching post injury or surgery; and
After 2-4 weeks of therapy treatment, if you are not making expected gains in your joint ROM.
Which Model JAS Device is Best for me?
Your doctor or therapist will guide you towards the JAS ROM therapy option that is best for you – JAS SPS, JAS EZ, JAS GL, JAS Dynamic, or Advance Dynamic – based on your diagnosis, your presenting symptoms, and the therapy approach that best suits your lifestyle.
When Should I use my JAS Device?
JAS treatment sessions can be done any time of day, when and where it is convenient for you. It is important that you are inactive and relaxed, e.g. while watching TV, at the computer, reading, listening to music, or lying in bed.
Will JAS Therapy be Painful?
Absolutely Not! For SPS, Dynamic or Turnbuckle therapy to be effective, the intensity of stretch must be mild, and well below the level of pain at all times. Also, you have total control of the intensity of stretch while using all JAS device products, with simple to use adjustment knobs.
How long Will I Need the JAS Device?
The average wearing time for our devices is 2-3 months, and varies per individual diagnosis. However, this can be greatly influenced by how soon JAS therapy is started post injury or surgery. If the JAS device is applied within the first 90 days after trauma or surgery, research has shown significantly greater and faster gains in joint motion.
What About Cost?
Most health insurance companies cover a significant portion of the cost for monthly rental or purchase of a JAS device. When JAS receives an order, a member of our dedicated customer service staff will contact your insurance company to obtain benefits and authorization information, and will then contact you to review your specific coverage; including what portion of charges your insurer is expected to cover and the remaining balance that is your responsibility.
How Do I Get a JAS Device?
JAS Devices require a prescription from your doctor. If you are suffering from joint ROM loss, ask your doctor or therapist about including a JAS device as part of your home therapy program.