JASE Enterprise - Jason Spell

Jason Spell is no stranger to durable medical equipment. He has been servicing patients throughout the state of New Mexico and some of Texas for over 17 years.

Approximately 13 years ago, he noticed a significant need for range of motion products in his territory, so he partnered with Joint Active Systems (JAS) to fill the void. Jason had seen the life changing results for himself from patients he was working with and could not wait to educate physicians and therapists about his experiences and the successful JAS outcomes proven in over 30 published clinical studies.  It did not take long for clinicians to begin prescribing JAS to help their patients get faster and better results in conjunction with physical therapy.  

Jason has a passion for helping people whether that is getting a patient back to a hobby like biking, or helping someone get back to work so, they can provide for their family. When asked what he likes most about JAS Jason said, “This is a high-quality product that truly helps people get their ROM back, so they can do the things they need and love to do.  When a patient gets a JAS device, if they use it and follow the protocol I know they will get better and that is so rewarding.”

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