Modifications to the JAS Ankle

Often, plantarflexion/Achilles tendon contractures will be part of a combination of foot and ankle deformities in multiple planes of motion. In this case, a patient is experiencing a plantarflexion contracture combined with a forefoot adduction deformity in the transverse plane and an ankle varus deformity in the frontal plane.

JAS Ankle Modifications:

  • Molded lateral T-strap to control and correct the ankle varus deformity.

  • Repositioned forefoot strap to create a laterally directed force to control and correct the forefoot adduction.

Stabilizing or correcting the forefoot adduction and ankle varus deformities within the JAS Ankle device assures that the stretch force applied targets the Achilles tendon/plantarflexion contracture. Moving the foot and ankle as closely as possible to neutral alignment in the frontal and transverse planes optimizes the effectiveness of the stretch force applied to the Achilles tendon contracture.

NewsMichael HaganAnkle