Yin-Yoga and JAS


Yin-Yoga and JAS: The Similarities between Yoga and Static Progressive Stretch

Yin Yoga recently wrote an article comparing the similarities between Yin Yoga practices and Static Progressive Stretch (SPS). The three principles of Yin Yoga are: (1) Come into the pose to an appropriate depth; (2) Resolve to remain still; and (3) Hold the pose for time.

Sound familiar? These almost directly align with the JAS SPS protocol!  While wearing JAS SPS orthoses, patients turn the SPS therapy knob. The affected joints are slowly and comfortably brought to pain-free stretched positions and held there for several minutes, to allow for the surrounding tissues to relax and lengthen.

There are interesting and direct correlations to Yin Yoga in the way SPS devices are used:

  1. The stress is static and passive, there’s no continual motion and the muscles are not used to create the stress.

  2. A tolerable and pain-free stretch is obtained.

  3. The duration of the stretch is on the order of 30 minutes.

  4. As the stretching sensation decreases, patients or yoga practitioners can decide to increase the stretch to allow more range of movement

And, finally, the article cites a number of studies finding that applying a stress at the end range of motion of a joint to a recovering joint actually improves the mobility while decreasing inflammation and pain, and with no significant risk to the patient. This mirrors most students experience with Yin Yoga as well – both lead to increased ROM with low risk and many benefits.

For more information – or to read the article in its entirety – visit Yin Yoga by clicking here.

NewsMichael HaganNews