Bob H.


I had a total knee joint replaced. I had limited knee motion before the surgery. Severe arthrofibrosis set in post-surgery. This resulted in a stiff knee with limited motion. Physical therapy tried to claim that I did not do the exercises post-surgery. They were completely mistaken. I followed the exercises to the letter. I am in excellent physical condition and exercise five days a week. Doing the daily simple knee exercises was a piece of cake.

I had a video conference call with the Mayo Clinic regarding my condition. They told me arthrofibrosis is a scarring condition that prevents a leg from bending up to 90 degrees. I had the scarring before the surgery. In my opinion the surgery, manipulation and physical therapy resulted in more knee trauma, more scarring and more crippling than before the surgery. Physical therapy tried to bend the knee physically and with a machine. It was horrible pain. I would take two percoset pills and 1 ½ muscle relaxer pills to get through physical therapy. I have always been able to withstand a lot of pain but this was beyond the threshold.

I have been using a JAS system for a year. It has been far more beneficial than physical therapy. I use this system to loosen up my knee every morning. Although the Mayo Clinic said my knee would probably not get any better, it has been slowly improving with the JAS system. Physical therapy results in too much trauma on the operated knee. This system has been very effective for me. Pam R at Joint Active Systems is excellent and has been extremely helpful, professional and is an absolutely delightful person. Every time I talk to her I am telling myself I wish I had people like her in my business before I retired.

Michael Hagan