Eric Schoenmakers

During a recent backpacking trip, I fell, dislocated my elbow, and incurred a complex fraction of my radius. It took me no less than 13 hours to hike out and travel to a hospital for orthopedic care. By that time, my arm had swollen to twice its normal size, and I was in a lot (!) of pain.

After setting my elbow, I slowly started exercising in order to regain my full functionality, but after 8 weeks of intense physical therapy, I hit a brick wall and was struggling to make any further progress regarding stretching/bending my arm, and twisting my hand. My local physical therapist suggested Joint Active Systems' training devices, and connected me with Erick Flores, their local representative.

Within only a few days, Erick consulted with the PT expert at the hospital, selected the JAS systems that would work best for me, took measurements of my arm, ordered the customized set-up internally, had it shipped, and visited me at home, in order to further fine-tune/"personalize" the equipment and train me on how to best use it. He has since reached out several times to further maximize the use of the systems, has made additional tweeks (he exchanged the hand piece on one of the devices, and modeled it to my hand size), and continues to grab every opportunity to help me get the most out of the JAS equipment. If I reach out to him with questions, he responds very fast (typically within an hour -> also in the evenings and even weekends!). This man is not just doing his job really well... he's on a mission!

Since starting exercising with the JAS "braces", and under Erick's professional guidance, I have been able to pick up the pace, and accelerate my recovery, as is confirmed during the measurements my physical therapist performs while monitoring progress.

I'm not receiving a penny for leaving this review. I'm just happy with the opportunity to express my gratitude to Erick and the team at JAS. You guys rock!

Michael HaganGoogle Review