Jill V.


I had total knee replacement surgery on February 4th 2020. I had a very difficult recovery. My leg was bent before surgery and after surgery my leg would not straighten. It was almost -20˚ from being straight. I went through excruciating pain for over 2 months. Physical therapists pushed down physically on my leg trying to force it straight. It was horrendous. They would put 200 pounds on my leg in an attempt to get it to straighten. This was hours and hours of wasted time. I then had a manipulation on April 9th which helped and I then only had 10˚ off on extension. I had a horrible limp and was very dejected.

I switched physical therapists and they stopped the physically pushing on my leg but it still would not straighten. I became very dejected. Dr. John Schroeppel with KU Med ordered a JAS brace for me. I was very skeptical about it. I used it for 2 times a day - 30 minutes each time and within 5 weeks a miracle occurred. I could straighten my leg within 2˚ and 8 weeks after I used the brace I could straighten it to zero!!!!!!!!

I was able to complete physical therapy and have my life back. I do not limp. I can do anything I want pain free. I have been walking and increasing my miles and walked 8 miles straight this weekend. Your brace saved my sanity and I was able to straighten my leg. I was in disbelief. I wanted to give you a quick testimonial and let you know that your brace does work. I wish I had it months earlier.

Michael HaganMissouri