I cannot thank your company enough for the opportunity to use the JAS Elbow device as long as I needed it.
Jason, my Austin representative, and the customer rep who kept in touch with me by phone showed kindness, concern, and professionalism. This device has been the best supplementary method to gain movement and function in my elbow. Because of the combination of personal care from your staff and the availability of the device it has enabled me to go from nearly 30 degrees of fexion to close to 120.
Even when Workman’s Comp insurance hedged with giving me a fifth month’s coverage of the device, Jason kept me afloat, emotionally, by fighting for my ability to use the device a little longer and protect me from having to worry about it.
The elbow extension I received with the device returned, first. The flexion was not as easy to regain. The last few weeks served as a crucial time and your company came through and granted it. As a result, I am thrilled to say, I finally reached the maximum flexion I needed for the elbow with the device in only the past several days!
I nicknamed my device “The Bad Boy” because even with pain involved it helped release a lot of scar tissue. I never missed a day of use since my receipt of the device in early August. I firmly believe in this wonderful invention and if you ever need me to I would be more than willing to give a testimonial for how this device works.
My elbow was shattered at the ulna and humerus heads. My only hope of my arm being used again was Dr. Stephen Rose’s surgical procedure. He used a piece of my right hip and shaped it into a humerus head and I essentially received a new elbow joint.
The traumatic injury and 7-1/4 hour surgical procedure made the recovery tentative. The JAS device (along with P.T. and daily exercises) brought me the ability to have a fully functioning arm that I thank God for and your company for!
Thank you again, so very much!