What a Great Toe it is!


The great toe plays an essential role in standing and walking balance and propulsion in both walking and running. This toe also functions to stabilize the long arch of the foot to allow for shock absorption through the foot.

Normal range of motion for great toe extension is approximately 70 degrees while normal range of motion for great toe flexion is approximately 45 degrees. We need 45-65 degrees of extension ROM in the big toe to be able to walk without some degree of compromise or compensatory motion at other joints.

When great toe range of motion is compromised, any of the following effects may occur:

  •  Limping

  •  Reduced balance in both standing and walking

  • Increased fatigue from walking or running

  • Slower walking speed

  • Shorter stride lengths

  •  Difficulty climbing stairs

  • Difficulty squatting or crouching

  • Persistent pain in the great toe or other joints of the foot

  • Callusing, blistering, or ulceration of toe skin

Written by Bryan King, Orthotist & Prosthetist at JAS

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