Study on SPS orthosis use for wrist stiffness

In this study from the Journal of Hand Surgery, 2008: Vol 33, Issue 9, 1498-1504 by Michael Mond, M.D., Mike McGrath, M.D., Michael Smith, M.D., Slif Ulrich, M.D., Thorsten Seyler, M.D., Peter Bonutti, M.D., 47 patients with wrist stiffness following trauma or surgery were treated with a JAS SPS orthosis.

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NewsMichael Hagan
Making the most of your insurance

It is hard to believe we’re over halfway through 2023. The kids will soon start school, and before we know it, the holiday hustle will be upon us. With all the fun and adventure that comes with summer, we tend to put off scheduling medical appointments, but this is one of the best times to do so.

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NewsMichael HaganNews
Modifications to the JAS Ankle

Often, plantarflexion/Achilles tendon contractures will be part of a combination of foot and ankle deformities in multiple planes of motion. In this case, a patient is experiencing a plantarflexion contracture combined with a forefoot adduction deformity in the transverse plane and an ankle varus deformity in the frontal plane.

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NewsMichael HaganAnkle
Individual Case Review: Knee Arthrofibrosis/Staph Infection

I’d like to say this again, the JAS is simply an elegant and patient-friendly method of what a core aspect of physical therapy has been for decades. One of the most difficult and frustrating components of orthopedic aftercare for all professionals is patient compliance. The JAS program is thoughtful, physiology-based, and patient friendly.

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NewsMichael Hagan
JAS Nominated for 'The Coolest Thing Made in Illinois'!

Nearly 250 manufacturing nominations entered the fourth annual Makers Madness "Coolest Thing Made in Illinois" contest hosted by the Illinois Manufacturers' Association (IMA) and sponsored by Comcast Business. Voting occurred from February 21-March 5 in a bracket-style competition where the public voted for their favorite Illinois-made product. JAS was among the Top 16 finalists, announced on March 7, continued in head-to-head matchups until March 29. The competition aims to advocate, highlight contributions, and promote Illinois manufacturers.

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NewsMichael Hagan