The JAS Dynamic Toe offers full-range, Dynamic Range of Motion (ROM) therapy in a lightweight, low-profile device. Move beyond the competition and see the proven outcomes achievable with JAS Dynamic.
Available for FLEXION or EXTENSION
45° Extension
55° Flexion
Available for single or multi-toe therapy.
The JAS Dynamic Toe provides safe, comfortable, and effective dynamic stretching for proven patient outcomes.
Effective For
Hallux Limitus
Tendon and Ligament Repairs
Rheumatoid Arthritis
All Neurologic Deficits
Patient-Controlled Therapy
JAS Dynamic devices allow practitioners maximum flexibility to determine treatment protocols specific to each patient’s needs. Patients control the stretch load applied by their JAS device, virtually eliminating muscle guarding, allowing each patient to reach their ROM goals.
JAS Quality In a Dynamic Splint
The JAS Dynamic line incorporates the key, patented engineering features for which JAS is known – preventing joint compression, assuring maximal ROM excursion, allowing for patient-controlled force adjustment, and eliminating muscle guarding – the result is optimized safety, comfort, compliance, and outcomes.
Lightweight and simple to use
Dynamic stretch applied gradually
Patented adjustable spring delivers gentle and consistent tension across the full deflection range
Integrated adjustment controls
Soft foam
Promotes better patient compliance
Precise and pain-free end-range stretch; eliminates muscle guarding
Patients can use at home to enhance therapy results in the clinic
No separate tools are required to make adjustments
Adapts to contour to reduce pressure points and prevent skin breakdown

Instructions and Product Brochure
The JAS Dynamic Family of Products
JAS Patient Testimonials
“Having the JAS device is like having a personal trainer on call. We travel a lot, and it has been a constant item in my carryon luggage…”
After a severe elbow injury that required surgery and months of therapy, Evelyn shares how the JAS brace played a pivotal role in her healing. Hear her candid story about overcoming challenges, regaining mobility, and returning to work with unwavering determination at the age of 70.
Eric was delightful to work with! He explained the JAS device throughly and made it easy to use.
Occupational Therapist and JAS Patient Elizabeth Murphy, OTR, shares her experience with her JAS elbow device and explains why it worked for her.
For Savannah, her recovery journey wasn’t just about regaining her range of motion- it was a testament to her perseverance, dedication, and the unwavering support of her family and healthcare team. Join us as we walk through her remarkable journey of regaining mobility, defying odds, and discovering newfound strength in adversity.
Since starting exercising with the JAS "braces", and under Erick's professional guidance, I have been able to pick up the pace, and accelerate my recovery, as is confirmed during the measurements my physical therapist performs while monitoring progress.
Thanks to JAS, I was able to fully recover and restore my ROM after a complex elbow fracture. I am so grateful, from the bottom of my heart…
The JAS is simply an elegant and patient-friendly method of what a core aspect of physical therapy has been for decades. One of the most difficult and frustrating components of orthopedic aftercare for all professionals is patient compliance. The JAS program is thoughtful, physiology-based, and patient friendly. It is easy for members of a patient’s support system to assist and monitor compliance. That is a big deal.
“Before elbow surgery, I had a range of motion loss of 19 degrees. Post elbow surgery that range of motion loss went up to about 30 degrees. I wear this three times a day, for 30 min at time. This is a really well-designed brace, and I can feel the difference within the first day of use.”
I would like to say thank you. Every time I called, everyone was so helpful. His leg can straighten more and bends better, we just need to get some strength back.
Virginia began using the JAS device in October 2021 and noticed improved mobility within a week. Chuck noticed a slight improvement in her extension very shortly after she started using the device. By mid-November, Virginia was confident enough to take a trip up the coast with her JAS device in tow. For the first time post-op, she was able to hike with her husband to a waterfall!
JAS Knee device has done wonders in getting my ROM back to acceptable levels. Extension is now about 5 degrees and flexion is about 110 plus. I’m confident that I’ll get my extension & flexion even better over the next few months.