Jason Spell is no stranger to durable medical equipment. He has been servicing patients throughout the state of New Mexico and some of Texas for over 17 years…
Read MoreJAS has been sponsoring and supporting the Annual Hand Therapy Association of California since 2008. This dedicated group of Occupational and Physical Therapists, as well as Certified Assistants, are committed to continuing education.
Read MoreWhen joints in the body experience trauma through injury or surgery, the central nervous system will often initiate an involuntary response in the muscles to protect the joints from further injury and promote healing. This response is called muscle guarding.
Read MoreThe JAS Dynamic Knee and Elbow devices are now bidirectional, allowing ROM therapy in two directions of joint motion with one device.
Read MoreBelow the knee amputees commonly develop contractures after surgery. Many times the residual limb length is very short, making it difficult to capture with traditional cuffing methods. JAS has the ability to customize devices to meet the needs of these patients.
Read MoreThis is a question we often get from our patients when they’re deciding which device might be right for them. Our resident Orthotist & Prosthetist at JAS, Bryan King, answers it here.
Read MoreThis study followed 25 patients with knee stiffness following TKA. All patients had manipulation under anesthesia and a standard course of physical therapy and saw continued stiffness and unsatisfactory improvement afterwards.
Read MoreJAS is highly committed to quality and patient satisfaction. In fact, we host a weekly quality assurance meeting including our Design Engineer, Licensed Orthotist/Prosthetist, Quality Assurance Director, Technical Support team, and several others to review products and services, evaluate technical support call trends, and discuss further research and development opportunities.
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